Tips for hiking and camping in ouray, colorado


It is so important to know what you are getting yourself into when you choose to adventure in the high mountain country. 无论你是在做短途徒步旅行, 一个晚上的露营之旅, or a multi-day hike that you are camping out multiple days. Read through some important tips and tricks for tackling Ouray’s terrain.

1) Before starting out, do warm-up exercises. Str等hing gradually increases heart rate, temperature and circulation to your muscles. Also, after a night’s rest, your muscles need warming. Str等hing gets the body going and increases your flexibility.

2) Start out slowly, gradually increasing your pace and distance traveled. Take frequent rests/vary the pace to recover from strenuous activity.稳定的步伐是最好的.

3) Let the slowest person in your hiking, 划, biking or cross-country skiing party set the pace. This is especially important when children are a part of the group. Give children 吹口哨s with instructions to stop/blow the 吹口哨, if lost.

4) Plan the trip ahead of time and assign tasks that people will enjoy. 如果有人没有
cook, don't force him/her to take on that task. The goal is to have a good time outdoors.
take turns leading the group and sharing in decision-making responsibilities.

5) Hike, bike, or ski only on marked trails to save the tundra.

6) Travel in groups as much as possible, especially in winter or over hazardous terrain.
Develop and emergency plan before starting. Make sure everyone knows what to do
If they become lost of a medical emergency arises. Leave your itinerary with a friend/
family member and check in when you return.

7) Learn basic repair skills and take a repair kit along such as for bikes/snowshoes.

8) Mountain weather is generally cooler, cloudier and windier then lowland areas. 为
every 1,000 feet elevation gain the temperature often drops 3-5 degrees. 因此,穿上
层. Polyester clothing worn next to the skin and wick moisture away.

9) Wear sunglasses hat or visor when you hike/ski/paddle. 注意遮住眼睛/脸
在户外的头几天. Sun glare can cause snow blindness reflecting off snow,
水或巨石. Bring 防晒霜 no matter the season.

10) Bring a customized first-aid kit tailored to the outing and learn first-aid basics.

11) Drink plenty of 水 before you start out; take 水 with you…it's heavy to carry.
Treat or filter all trail 水 supplies. Pack carbohydrate-energy bars, granola, candy or
dried fruit for an instant pick-me-up on the trail.

12) Be aware of any restrictions on 宠物 where you’re going. 用皮带拴住宠物, 给他们拿水来, 确保他们有名牌, 注意脚垫的损伤, 检查蜱虫, and keep them as warm or cool as possible.

13) Inform yourself on local regulations-campsites, campfires, wood supply use, 等.

14)离开前, find out the weather report but continue to watch the skies and find shelter should inclement weather threaten. Stay dry as wet clothes and gear contribute to 热 loss. If possible carry a compact weather radio.

15) Plan for an early start to lessen the chance of hiking during afternoon thunderstorms and the early start should allow you to select the best campsite possible. Consider the following when choosing your campsite: a level site with enough room to spread out your gear; a site free of hazardous materials, 遭受虫害, or poison ivy; a site with some trees/ shrubs on the side of prevailing winds that should help block strong gusts; a site that should avoid dangerous consequences in case of heavy rain/potential flooding; and a site which allows you to build a fire in a safe area away from your tent. Try to find a site with a fire ring already there. Give yourself about two hours to set up camp.

16) Pack a first-aid kit including antiseptics for cuts/scrapes, 镊子, 杀虫剂, 杀虫剂, 止痛药, 防晒霜, 蛇咬工具包, 等. Find out if any of your group have serious or possible life threatening allergies. Be sure to carry emergency supplies, 比如地图, 一个指南针, 手电筒, 刀, 防水灭火器, 个人住所, 吹口哨, 温暖的衣服, 高能量食品, 水, 可能是多余的电池.

17) Be sure any fires are always attended, away from where possible wind-driven sparks, 热, or flames could ignite surrounding materials or spread laterally or vertically. 当你把火扑灭时, 用水淹死它, 确保所有的余烬, coals and sticks are wet as deeply buried embers have a tendency to reignite later. Be cautious when using a propane stove, read all the instructions and never leave a burning stove unattended.

18) Dispose of trash properly and use recycling bins if available. Carry out what can't be disposed of properly.

19) Hopefully, someone knows the ABC's of treating emergencies. 小心遇到野生动物, 有毒的植物, and insects and practice the safety measures and common sense you probably already know. 良好的卫生习惯非常重要.

20)希望, you've researched any BLM or 为est Service regulations in areas you'll travel relating to campfires, 宠物, 私人土地面积, 等.


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